
The Ecumenical Catholic Communion
Church of the Holy Family is an inclusive faith community that welcomes all to the Lord’s table. Holy Family is a member of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion and the Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion. The Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) is a gathering of faith communities from across America who have entered into a covenant relationship with one another as we seek to celebrate the love of Christ in all people. We are deeply committed to our Catholic identity and practice a distinctively Catholic Faith Tradition that is rooted in the ancient Church. We also believe that as Catholics we have the responsibly of honoring our Catholic Tradition while responding in love and wisdom to the needs and realities of the contemporary world.
ECC churches are independent Catholic faith communities in that we are not under the jurisdiction of the Pope nor are we subject to the canon law or the guidelines of the Roman Catholic Church. We share common roots of the same Bishop—The Most Reverend Peter E. Hickman. We also share a common Catholic theology and liturgical tradition. However, we differ significantly in many of the disciplines and rules that govern the Roman Catholic Church.
Church of the Holy Family and other ECC churches share the following distinctions:
- The bishop, priests and deacons are free to marry and raise families.
- Women are welcome and encouraged to participate in all levels of ministry—lay or ordained.
- We recognize the diversity of sexual orientation among our brothers and sisters, including marriage between same-gendered couples.
- People who have gone through the painful experience of divorce and have chosen to remarry are not excluded from the Sacramental life of the church.
- The use of contraception and artificial birth control as a way of responsibility limiting the size of one’s family is an issue of conscience to be decided by the couple.
- We freely give Jesus’ gift of Eucharist to all the baptized, and welcome all to the celebration of the Sacraments.
- Lay people play a central role in the government of the Church.
For a more detailed description of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion, see the ECC FAQs or visit the ECC website.